Is There a Better Alternative to Traditional Pool Chlorine?

In Water Tech by The LeverEdge

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You no longer need to use harsh chemicals to sanitize your pool.

Are you tired of using harsh chemicals to sanitize your pool? Now, there’s a better way. With a salt chlorine generator, you get soft, silky, sanitized water without the stinging eyes and bleached-out swimsuits of traditional chlorine.

Intrigued? Read on for more about why you should get a salt chlorine generator for your pool!

How Do Salt Chlorine Generators Work?

Rather than using traditional chlorine, salt chlorination systems convert salt into chlorine gas. Instead of adding chlorine to your pool, you add salt. When the saltwater passes through the chlorine generator, the salt is converted into chlorine gas and added back into the water.

Chlorine gas is more potent than liquid or powdered chlorine, so you need less of it to keep your pool sanitized, which gives you all the benefits of chlorination without the downsides.

Benefits of Salt Chlorination Systems

There are a lot of reasons salt chlorination is a better option than traditional chlorination with liquids, powders, or tablets. Some of the top benefits of salt chlorine generators include:

  • Cost savings. Salt chlorination costs about half as much as using traditional forms of chlorine. How much money could you save each year by making the switch?
  • Convenience. Whether you use liquid, powder, or tablets, storing and handling chlorine is messy and dangerous if it’s mishandled. The salt used in salt chlorination systems is less of a hassle than chlorine.
  • Comfort. High chlorine levels can cause burning eyes, irritated skin, bleached swimsuits, and wear and tear on your pool. Salt chlorination is gentler on your family and swimming pool.

Other Forms of Pool Chlorine

If you’re new to pool ownership, you may be wondering about the downsides of other forms of pool chlorine. Here are some of the most popular options:

  • Chlorine gas is the most potent form, and it’s common in public pools, but it is dangerous if it’s mishandled.
  • Chlorine Tablets (Trichlor) are commonly used by homeowners. They’re relatively cheap and convenient, but they’re extremely acidic, so you have to add a pH increaser to maintain a pH balance between 7.2 and 7.8.
  • Liquid Bleach (Sodium Hypochlorite) is the cheapest form of chlorine, but it’s very corrosive and has a pH of 13 or higher, so you’ll need to add acid to your pool water.
  • Cal-Hypo (Calcium Hypochlorite) is a popular powdered chlorine. However, it adds high levels of corrosive calcium to your water. Additionally, it has a high pH of around 12.

Learn More Today

There is an ever-increasing number of salt chlorine generators available to choose from. How do you know which one is right for you?

To talk to one of the friendly experts at LeverEdge, click here or call 813-403-5100. We’ll talk to you about your pool and your chlorination needs to help you select the best system to suit you.

Contact us today for more information!

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