Treat Yourself to
Luxurious, Soft, Clean Water
Hard Water Problems
Unsightly rings around the bathtub and soap scum tiles are a result of soap reacting with hard water. This messy substance adds hours of extra housework and requires harsh, expensive, toxic cleaners.
Soaps and detergents must overcome water hardness. Using too much is wasteful and expensive, too little results in dingy, unclean washes. Hard water can squander money spent on cleaning products.

Hard water resists clean rinses of clothes. Build-up of detergent attracts stains and weakens fabrics, causing clothing to wear out faster.

Hard water soap curd clogs pores, dries skin, and leaves dull deposits on your hair, rendering it flat and lifeless.

Hard water contributes to razor drag, irritating and drying your skin.

Hard water reduces the life of water heaters, dishwashers, washing machines and other household appliances.
How does it work?
Inside the Guardian Water Conditioner
No matter where you live or what your water quality needs are, your authorized Guardian water treatment dealer can help improve your water. Guardian water treatment systems are designed to meet the most challenging water problems the most efficient way possible, and by using only the most reliable equipment available in the industry. That’s a Guardian promise.
Your Guardian representative will test your water and analyze the results right in your home. Depending on the test results, he/she may recommend options for improving your water’s quality. Through the proper blend of water filtration medias, water challenges such as high iron or manganese levels, pH imbalance, turbidity, hydrogen sulfide (rotten egg smell) and tannins (yellow or brownish coloring) can be eliminated. The most extreme levels of hardness can be softened. Chlorine and other taste affecting elements can be removed. Your entire family will enjoy an immediate difference, and if your plumbing could talk, you would hear cheers coming from behind your walls.
Ask your Guardian representative for a FREE water test today.
Carbon Cap – Granular Activated Carbon removes chlorine, unpleasant tastes and odor.
High Capacity Cross-Linked Cation Resin – Higher capacity to remove
iron and hardness minerals.KDF – Inhibits bacteria growth and
removes heavy metals.Garnet – Provides sediment filtration and promotes even distribution.

Guardian Soft Water Advantages!
Save money by reducing your soap and detergent
Increase the life of your water heater and reduce water heating expense
Eliminate build-up of lime and scale in household plumbing!