Westinghouse water refiners are certified by IAPMO
Westinghouse water refiners are certified by IAPMO Research and Testing, Inc to NSF/ANSI 42, 44, 61, and 372 in compliance with the International Plumbing Code (IPC®). Each system will proudly bear the UPC seal shown above.
Westinghouse water treatment chose to partner with the International Association of Plumbing and Mechanical Officials (IAPMO) R&T because of their more than 85 years’ experience certifying products. The UPC® shield is recognized throughout the industry as the premier mark of conformity for plumbing products in North America.
The UPC® mark of conformity demonstrates compliance with applicable codes and NSF/ANSI 42, 44, 61, and 372 standards. It signifies accredited third-party recognition, meaning it has been certified by an organization outside of the manufacturer’s industry. And the UPC® mark is widely recognized and trusted by the inspectors who approve your system’s installation. The UPC® mark assures buyers that they are purchasing a product that has been manufactured, tested, and inspected to industry standards, giving them peace of mind that they have made the right decision.
Our systems are listed to NSF/ANSI 42, NSF/ANSI 44, and NSF/ANSI 61, and NSF/ANSI 372 (No Lead), UPC®, IPC® and IRC®.
Product: Drinking Water Treatment Units – Aesthetic Effects
Characteristics: Materials or products that come into contact with drinking water and/or drinking water treatment chemicals. Products and materials may include process media, protective materials, joining and sealing materials, pipes and related products, mechanical devices used with treatment/transmission/distribution systems, and mechanical plumbing devices.
Product: Residential Cation Exchange Water Softeners
Characteristics: Residential cation exchange water softeners intended for removal of hardness and the reduction of specific contaminants from drinking water supplies (public or private) considered to be microbiologically safe and of known quality.
Product: Drinking Water System Components – Health Effects
Characteristics: Joining and sealing materials (gaskets, adhesives, lubricants); Mechanical devices (water meters, valves, filters); Pipes and related products (pipe, hose, fittings); Plumbing devices (faucets, drinking fountains); Process media (filter media, ion exchange resins); Non-metallic potable water materials.
Product: Lead-Free Plumbing Products
Characteristics: Products may include any pipe, pipe fitting, solder, flux, or other plumbing products providing water for human consumption.
International Plumbing Code (IPC)
The IPC protects public health and safety in buildings for all water and wastewater related design, installation and inspection by providing minimum safeguards for people at homes, schools, and workplaces. Water heaters, anti-scalding devices, back-flow prevention methods, water pipe sizing, and many other such issues are addressed in the IPC.
International Residential Code (IRC)
Building codes are regulations that set out the standards to which buildings and other structures must conform. It covers all aspects of construction in a single code, including building, plumbing, mechanical services, energy conservation, fuel, gas, and electrical provisions.