What is ‘Whole Home’ Water Treatment?

In Uncategorized, Water Tech by The LeverEdge

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When you think about your use of water, what is the first thing that comes to mind? Most people default to thinking about drawing water from the tap into a glass for drinking. Following that are the other common uses of water like showering, cooking, washing dishes and clothes, cleaning the home, and watering the lawn. When you evaluate the many ways we use water in our homes, it makes perfect sense to take a hard look at the quality of that water, and whether or not the entire home needs to be analyzed for its handling and distribution of water.

For example, you may not think that the water you use to spray the rose bed needs to be of the same purification standard as the water you use to cook your evening meal. In actuality, that water almost always comes from the same municipal source, meaning that unless the water is treated at the point of distribution (i.e., the kitchen sink spigot or garden hose nozzle), it’s going to be the same in terms of germ content and microbial parasite density.

“Whole Home” water treatment is a term used to describe a comprehensive system of managing water so that no matter where it is accessed or what it is being used for, the water is as pure and as available as it needs to be, at a pH, temperature, and salinity level that is acceptable for the customer. Because every customer is different, whole home water treatment solutions are going to be different. Not all homes consume the same amount of water, therefore there is no one-size-fits-all whole home water treatment prescription. What can be safely said about water quality in the home is that you can’t really know where purification help may be needed if you haven’t tested your existing water.

The water professionals at The LeverEdge can evaluate your home or business to arrive at an understanding about your current level of water quality. There is great peace of mind in knowing that the water you are using on a daily basis is in optimal condition, with the least amount of harmful biological threats and pathogens as possible. To achieve this, it may be necessary to implement more than one method of purifying water. There are basic, filter-based methods that are fairly straightforward, and then there are more advanced methods like UV exposure that offer further purity. To determine which combination of technologies is best for you, it’s best to rely on industry experts.

That’s where we come in. Our technicians are well-versed in the process of evaluating existing water systems to identify key areas of improvement. It may be that the water being ported to the exterior of the house for use in gardening and irrigation is in acceptable shape, whereas the water being used in the bathrooms is in need of serious remediation. You won’t know if this is the case until you contact us to begin the conversation. The LeverEdge team is standing by and ready to help.  Contact us today.

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