Water is a vital resource for our daily lives. Here in the US, the vast majority of municipally supplied water is generally safe to consume, but it can contain various contaminants that may pose risks to our health and the environment. In this post, we explore common water contaminants found in residential water supplies, including bacteria, chemicals, heavy metals, and …
Fast, Efficient, 3-Step Water Filtering, Explained
Getting great-tasting, crystal-clear water is easier than ever, thanks to the Iron Boss three-stage water filtration system. This marvel of engineering represents decades of research and development into the technology that is used to make space-age water filtering accessible and reliable for everyone. Here’s how it works! Three Steps to Better Water STEP 1 Iron Boss uses Natural Air to …
7 Surprising Health Benefits of Drinking Clean Water
You probably already know that drinking enough water is important to overall health. But, did you know these seven benefits related to consuming cleaner water? 1. Proper Hydration Clean water is essential for maintaining the proper balance of bodily fluids, which can help regulate body temperature, lubricate joints, and support other important functions. 2. Weight management Drinking clean water can …
Pool Heating Made Easy: The GulfStream HI-5 Series
Pool heating is a popular topic this time of year, as homeowners find themselves wanting to squeeze more months of use out of their pools as the outside temperatures drop. Last week, we discussed the merits of solar-powered pool heating systems. Today, we’re looking at the GulfStream HI-5 Series of electric heat pumps available from LeverEdge dealers around the country. …
Why Install a Water Softening System?
Water softening systems are the answer to the problem of ‘hard water’, which many homeowners contend with throughout the country. The LeverEdge supplies advanced water softening systems or water conditioners that soften and improve the taste and odor of various water supplies. These systems can be easily and effectively installed in homes of virtually any size, style, and age. Are …
Saying ‘So Long!’ to Cold Pools with Solar Thermal Heating
Picture this: it’s a beautiful day, the sun is shining, and you’re thinking that it would be great to go for a swim in your pool. So, you head over to the waters edge and reach down to do a quick temperature check, only to recoil in shock as you realize how cold the pool is! There’s no way you …
Product Spotlight: AquaSolar Control System from Hayward
By now, you’ve probably heard the news: it’s easy to tap the power of the sun to heat your pool without racking up electricity costs. The technology underpinning solar-powered pool heating systems has been proven for over two decades now. Every year, there are advances made in the efficiency and ease-of-use of these systems. Today, the AquaSolar control system from …
5 Benefits of Drinking Filtered Water
We all know that staying hydrated is important for our health. While many of us take for granted the clean water we have access to, it’s objective quality is not always front-of-mind. Generally speaking, municipal water systems do a fair enough job of bringing potable water to our taps. However, chances are good that the water you’re drinking could be …
Pentair’s Powerful SolarTouch and IntelliFlo System
The world has seen a lot of technological innovation in the past decade. One area where this is especially obvious is with solar pool heating systems. Leading the way in advancements for solar-heated pool equipment is Pentair, a manufacturer of the SolarTouch, IntelliFlo, and IntelliPro lineup. So what’s so great about Pentair’s products, and why are LeverEdge customers raving about …
How Ultraviolet Water Sterilizers Work
Protecting your family is one of your highest priorities, and rightly so. With as much as you do every day to keep them safe, it only makes sense to include protecting your water quality as one of your goals. Thankfully, modern technology allows for incredibly simple and easy-to-maintain solutions targeting the elimination of waterborne microorganisms in your drinking water. One …