5 Must-Do Tasks to Prepare Your Home for Winter

In News by The LeverEdge

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No matter where you live in the US, it’s always a good idea to ensure that your home is ready for the cooler months coming our way.

Every Fall, homeowners should take the necessary steps to prepare their homes for the potentially damaging weather that can come their way. No matter how big your home is or its current condition, this checklist will help you get your home ready for whatever’s next this winter season.

#1: Perform an HVAC Checkup

Modern HVAC systems—including furnaces and AC units—last 12 to 15 years on average. If your HVAC equipment is on its last leg, you don’t want to find out in the middle of winter!

So, now is the time to perform a checkup. Change your air filters, check for obvious signs of disrepair, and consider scheduling an inspection with a qualified HVAC contractor.

#2: Seal Exterior Masonry and/or Concrete Surfaces

This is an often-overlooked routine home maintenance job. Unsealed brick or concrete can lead to serious problems down the line. To avoid this, apply a concrete sealer to all of your flat concrete surfaces.

Check for any new spalling, splits, or cracks, and patch them before the cold snaps hit.

#3: Check Your Property Drainage

How well is your home being kept dry when the rain falls or when the snow melts? Look for low spots near your foundation, and fill them in with soil.

Also, check the status of your gutters and downspouts…do they need cleaning or repairs? Now is the time to get this done.

#4: Blowout Sprinkler and Irrigation Systems

This one is a no-brainer! If you have any water-carrying lines outside of your home, be sure they’re blown out and capped before freezing weather comes.

Not doing this could result in serious damage to expensive plumbing hardware both inside and outside your home.

#5: Check in on Your Trees

How healthy are your trees? Do they have branches or limbs that are making contact with your home?

While it’s generally best to perform tree service in the Spring, Fall is also a good time to pare back any imposing tree branches.

Now that you know what to do to prepare your home for Winter, don’t forget to check back in the Spring, when we will have our warmer weather checklist ready!

And, as always, if you’re interested in the many ways The LeverEdge can help streamline your use of water, electricity, or indoor air, contact us today!

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