3-Step Water Filtering from Iron Boss

In Raise Your Solar I.Q., Solar Advice, Water Tech by The LeverEdge

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Clean water is a must-have for most homes and businesses, but not everyone understands the differences between a simple, store-bought water filter and a comprehensive, multi-stage solution like the one available from Iron Boss and the LeverEdge. It’s important to understand some basics about the most common nuisance chemicals that are present in untreated water that finds its way to your home or business: the two most common of these are iron and hydrogen sulfide.

Firstly, why iron? Well, even though iron is an essential element needed by humans to live healthily, it also leaves reddish-brown residue wherever iron-contaminated water comes into contact. The general idea is that it’s best to get iron from a healthy diet, and not from your drinking water. Secondly, why hydrogen sulfide? Similarly to iron, there isn’t any serious health issue involved in consuming trace amounts of this chemical. However, it does give off an offensive smell similar to rotten eggs. Take a moment to consider if you would enjoy drinking water that smelled like rotten eggs…we didn’t think so!

To address the issue of iron and hydrogen sulfide in drinking water, Iron Boss offers a 3-step approach to removing as much of these two chemicals from your drinking water as possible. Step one introduces forced oxygen into the filtration unit, step two physically removes the iron and hydrogen sulfide, and step three sends the treated water out to wherever it will be used or further treated for maximum efficacy. Compared with store-bought filters which only offer single-step treatment of your water, the Iron Boss system is head-and-shoulders better in every way.

Another downside of using lesser quality filtration systems is the need to constantly replace the filters themselves. This can be costly over time, and you can end up spending as much on filters as you spent on the main unit itself. With the Iron Boss solution, the filter is self-cleaning, reducing the need for ongoing filter changes.

So, if you want cleaner, better-tasting water that doesn’t leave unsightly residues, you need the high-quality water filter from Iron Boss. Contact the LeverEdge today to learn more about obtaining an Iron Boss for your own home or business, and start enjoying fresher, purer water immediately!

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