3 Facts about UV Sterilization

In Uncategorized, Water Tech by The LeverEdge

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You may have heard of more than one way to sterilize water. There are additives, filters, ionizers and all different manners of treatment methods that come with their own advantages and disadvantages. With UV water sterilization, however, there are only advantages. To explain, we offer 3 facts relevant to UV water sterilization.




Fact #1: UV water treatment is also known as Ultraviolet germicidal irradiation (UVGI), a term used to describe the destruction of harmful organisms by way of exposing them to UV light. UVGI targets the nucleus of these organisms, resulting in impaired cell function that eventually leads to the death of the cell.


Fact #2: UV water treatment is roughly 20,000 times more energy effective at removing harmful organisms than boiling water. This translates into huge savings when compared with the cost of using heat to sterilize/purify water.


Fact #3: UV water treatment systems are surprisingly affordable. Considering the raw materials required, most domestic water supplies can benefit from UV water treatment systems that a modest budget can accommodate.


Microorganisms that are potentially dangerous to people with compromised immune systems (and the elderly) are removed when a directed beam of sufficiently focused UV light hits a volume of water. This is an obvious benefit for virtually any water system that serves a public water source or municipal water system. Remember that UV water treatment is NOT an additive-based treatment, which means there are no special chemicals, powders or mixes to continually have to buy. Additionally, no filters or screens need to be replaced, resulting in a system that is less costly to maintain over the long term.
Contact The LeverEdge today to learn more about UV water treatment, and to find out what system may be best for your home or business.

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